Memberships & Donations
Help us build our community
Supporting the Friends of the Library through donations is essential for the library as it allows them to continue providing important resources and services to the community. The funds raised by the Friends of the Library go towards purchasing new books and materials, funding programs and events, and supporting the overall operations of the library. Without the support of the community through donations, the library would not be able to maintain the same level of resources and services. Additionally, the Friends of the Library also works to promote the library and its services to the community. By supporting the Friends of the Library, donors are not only helping to ensure that the library is able to continue providing valuable resources and services, but also help in creating a more informed and engaged community.
Donations and Volunteers
Become a Member
Join the Friends of the Library with an annual membership donation. Just ask at the desk the next time you are in the library for a Friends membership form. You can pay for the membership here (donate button) or by check or cash in the library.
- Individual membership: $20
- Family Friends: $30
- Supporting Friends: $75
- Sustaining Friends or Businesses: $150
- Lifetime Friends: $500
Making memories last
One Time Donations
Make a one time donation in memory or remembrance of a loved one. Please contact the library (406-682-7244) to set up a memorial.
Supporting Ennis, MT
Corporate Sponsorship and Major Donors
Donations from local companies are vital to keeping the library at the heart of our community.
We would love to add your business or family name to our wall tiles for major donors.
Get in touch today to sponsor an event or make a donation.
Contact Us